Wednesday, August 11, 2010

*The Soft, Sensitive Side of Garbage Disposals – Maintenance Tips

Garbage disposals are completely misunderstood. It is true that they do not deal with the most sanitary materials, nor do they utter exactly pleasant sounds as they complete their labor. OK, so perhaps it is a wise decision to keep them under the sink basin. But they still deserve some respect and TLC to live long and fruitful lives.

The Vulnerabilities of Garbage Disposals – What Not To Feed Them
Some people idealize their disposals and believe that no matter what the chore, lemon rind or chicken bone, the whirring blades will erase it, simply, effectively, thoroughly. Disposals would never admit it themselves, but they cannot handle:

Hard/sticky materials, such as bones or toffee
Vegetables containing fiber, such as celery or corn husks
Any kind of grease or oil, especially in large quantities – instead, discard with the trash, in closed receptacles

Some of these will not pass down the drain, causing harmless odors, while others can erode or jam the blades. But none of these repercussions should even be considered. Remember, your kitchen appliance wants you to care about its feelings, not just weigh the pros and cons of treating it properly.

General Maintenance Tips that Show You Care
While each garbage disposal is unique, there is a short list of dos and don'ts that every, and I do mean every, one of them will respond to:

Always run cold water when grinding
Only grind small amounts of food at once
Every month or so, process a few ice cubes (a handful or two will do)
Keep them smelling great by running a citrus peel through (whatever you would like the kitchen to smell like)

Make sure that everyone in the household knows how to operate the device, as well, and the disposal will surely enjoy a long, happy life in your kitchen.

Troubleshooting Tips
But even if you do everything right, problems can still occur. If the device stops working or becomes plugged up, for whatever reason, be sure that you do not reach your hand down the drain to unplug it or remove the debris.

If the drain has been clogged with grease, melt the grease by heating the pipes with boiling water. If too much water has already accrued in the sink, remove as much as possible before continuing. Once the clog clears, run hot water for five minutes.

If there is debris covering the opening, use thongs to pull it out, and if the problem persists, contact a professional to fix it.

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